Oven-fresh, homemade Banana Chocolate Muffins
topped with toasted coconut & macadamia nuts

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Pop-Up Baking Business in Kaua'i, HI
Chef Kong Muffins is a new Kaua'i "pop-up" online baking business. The muffins are so yummy, they are guaranteed to turn bullies into buddies in no time. Enjoy the freshness of an authentic bakery with our lip-smacking King Size muffins.

Tropical & Flavorful
Chef Kong Muffins are chest-thumping delicious! Using winning combos like chocolate & bananas to coconut & macadamia nuts, these Kaua’i-inspired muffins will have you swinging from vines with cool jungle vibes in no time!!

Baking for a Cause
These tropical treats are brought to you by our island’s future entrepreneurs. Managing a store is much more than just baking muffins. It includes advertising, sales, financial planning, and more. With the beginning of our baking and entrepreneurial journey, we aim to spread the art of baking and inspire our island’s middle school-aged children to learn how to build a brand from the ground up. We believe it’s never too early to learn life skills and that all things are possible!
Check out all the Monkey Business by visiting The Journey page!